SEEMO/IPI Press Release: SEEMO Calls on Romanian Authorities to Identify and Prosecute Aggressors of Journalists

SEEMO/IPI Press Release: SEEMO Calls on Romanian Authorities to Identify and Prosecute Aggressors of Journalists

  • 18-01-2012 15:36:34   |   |  Press release
Vienna, 18 January 2012- Numerous reporters were physically assaulted by protesters and policemen while covering peaceful anti-government protests that degenerated into violence in Bucharest between 15 and 16 January 2012. It appeared that the journalists were deliberate targets. Catalin Lupasteanu, from the Mediafax news agency, said that he was beaten up by the police although he shouted:"Press! Press!" Several employees of Bucharest-based Antena 3 TV were injured. Most of them were victims of protesters violence: Adrian Anghel was hit by an inflammable object; Alexandru Capraru, suffered a head injury when hit by a stone; Petre Nichita was hit by a metal bar and suffered head injuries; Dragos Stoian was hit by a metal chain; and Carmina Othman's hair was set on fire. The car belonging to the Romanian public broadcaster TVR was stoned by protesters. Meanwhile, Lucian Negrea from the DC News Website was allegedly beaten by riot police. The scene was filmed. Some other reporters, including Radu Lungu, were briefly detained. Cristian Zarescu (Romania TV) reported being assaulted by the police. The exact number of assaulted journalists, either by protesters or the police, is not known. The Romanian Press Club called police actions excessive. Some assaulted journalists had their press cards visibly displayed. According to SEEMO sources, some journalists did not have experience or the training in conflict reporting and volatile situations. The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute, expresses profound concern at the level of violence against reporters who were covering the clashes. "Beating up journalists does not promote press freedom and it does not guarantee well-balanced information," said Oliver Vujovic, SEEMO Secretary General. Vujovic added: "I urge the police authorities to investigate all cases of violence against journalists during the demonstrations. Every single person who used force - whether protester or police officer - should be sanctioned. Silencing journalists is silencing freedom. Romania is an EU country and has to respect international standards. Violence is not acceptable." Further, Vujovic stated: "Media owners should train journalists in how to act when covering conflict situations."
  -   Press release