IFJ Condemns Latest Arrests of Journalists in Iran

IFJ Condemns Latest Arrests of Journalists in Iran

  • 20-01-2012 20:45:19   |   |  Press release
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the recent arrests of journalists in Iran, warning that press freedom in the country is at its lowest ebb after years of unrelenting campaign of intimidation and harassment of independent media. “These latest arrests prove there is no end in sight for the ordeal which journalists are enduring in Iran,” said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. “The situation has become intolerable and the international community should speak out against such a ruthless onslaught on independent media.” According to the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), an IFJ affiliate, eight journalists, including three women, were arrested this week on allegations of “acting against national security”. They are Sahammoddin Borghani, Ms Parasto okohaki, Ms Marziyeh Rasoli, Ms Fatemeh Kheradmand, Ehsan Hoshmand, Saeed Madani, Farshad Ghorbanpou and Mehdiyeh Khazali. The AoIJ says the journalists join at least 30 colleagues who were detained on similar charges following the major clampdown on media in the wake of the disputed presidential elections of June 2009 which sparked unprecedented public defiance to the Iranian leadership. They include AoIJ board members Mohammadreza Moghise and Alireza Rajaee. More than 150 journalists were arrested during the crackdown and many more fled the country to avoid arrest and detention. The AoIJ office in Tehran was also shut down on the orders of the Attorney General in August 2009 and remains closed.. The IFJ fully supports the AoIJ demands for the respect of journalists’ rights and independence in Iran. The Federation joins the AoIJ to call for the release of all journalists held for doing their work and the re-opening of its office. “We support our members’ stand on the right of Iranian journalists to report independently without fear of reprisals,” added Boumelha. “The AoIJ has the backing of the global journalists’ community and we shall continue to mobilise solidarity for their defence of professional journalism.” The IFJ represents more than 600.000 journalists in 131 countries
  -   Press release