President of the Artsakh visited the town of Berdzor and partook at the festive events dedicated to the 19th anniversary of the town’s liberation

President of the Artsakh visited the town of Berdzor and partook at the festive events dedicated to the 19th anniversary of the town’s liberation

  • 18-05-2011 17:49:04   | Armenia  |  Politics
On 18 May President of the Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan visited the town of Berdzor and partook at the festive events dedicated to the 19th anniversary of the town’s liberation. In his speech the Head of the State noted that the liberation of Berdzor had become a significant military, political and psychological victory for the whole Armenian people and added that without this victory it would have been impossible to defend our country's independence and freedom. The President underlined that without the Kashatagh region the existence of Nagorno Karabagh as an independent state was impossible. Bako Sahakyan considered the development of Kashatagh a strategic issue of pan-Armenian importance underlining that the state would do everything possible for its prosperity. According to the Central Information Department of the Office of the Artsakh Republic President, Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, members of the National Assembly and Cabinet of Ministers, as well as guests from the Republic of Armenia partook at the events.
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