Open doors event at VivaCell-MTS headquarters organized for pupils of Anania Shirakatsi gymnasium

Open doors event at VivaCell-MTS headquarters organized for pupils of Anania Shirakatsi gymnasium

  • 07-02-2012 18:15:12   | Armenia  |  Press release
Open doors event at VivaCell-MTS headquarters organized for pupils of Anania Shirakatsi gymnasium The open doors event is aimed at providing the pupils of secondary schools in Armenia the opportunity to experience first-hand the operational processes and managerial culture in Armenia’s leading mobile operator company, and also to be taught on the basics of mobile communications technology February 07, 2012, Yerevan, Armenia – VivaCell-MTS, a subsidiary of “Mobile TeleSystems” OJSC, informs that today Armenia’s leading mobile operator hosted about 100 schoolchildren of 9th to 11th grades from Anania Shirakatsi gymnasium. The open doors event is aimed at providing the pupils of secondary schools in Armenia the opportunity to experience first-hand the operational processes and managerial culture in Armenia’s leading mobile operator company, and also to be taught on the basics of mobile communications technology. Mobile communication has become an integral part of everyday life, and mobile phone became more than an accessory, a need. Ownership of mobile phones amongst young adults continues to rise. The young generation is actively using mobile phones for various communications, but has little understanding of the basics of how technology works. That’s why it was necessary to initiate this activity aimed at providing schoolchildren with first-hand information about cellular communication. VivaCell-MTS wants to help the educational system of Armenia to close the gaps in the way technology is taught in secondary schools. “We attach high value to the organization of mobile literacy classes, as we witness the interest and excitement of children with telecommunications technology. As a mobile operator company and corporate citizen we feel responsibility for teaching children in ethical aspects of using mobile phones in public places, and which is the most important, using cell phones while driving. This is not just to inform. We aim at creating awareness with the behavior change as the outcome,” stated VivaCell-MTS General Manager. Be ready for more! VivaCell-MTS... More than operator!
  -   Press release