U.S embassy donates new equipment to police educational complex

U.S embassy donates new equipment to police educational complex

  • 21-02-2012 16:29:38   | Armenia  |  Press release
On February 21, U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern visited and toured Armenia's Police Educational Complex, where he met its director, Lieutenant-General Hovhannes Varyan, and donated approximately $50,000 of classroom computer equipment. The equipment will be used for the education and training of police personnel. Donated by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Affairs, the equipment is intended to enhance the educational and training resources in the Police Educational Complex. The equipment includes desktop computers, printers, projectors and scanners. This current donation is part of the U.S. Government’s comprehensive law enforcement assistance program that aims to strengthen the ability of Armenian law enforcement structures to combat crime effectively and to administer criminal justice fairly. Previous assistance provided to the Armenian Police has included the renovation of the Police Induction Center, equipment donations to the Police Academy, and cooperation in the establishment of a nationwide computer network. Computer equipment has previously been donated to the anti-illegal migration, anti-trafficking in persons, anti-narcotics, and anti-cyber crime units of the Police. Training and capacity-building in the combating and prevention of transnational crimes has also been regularly provided. The U.S. Government annually provides approximately $3 million in law enforcement and criminal justice assistance to Armenia.
  -   Press release