OSCE media freedom representative condemns attack on Latvian journalist

OSCE media freedom representative condemns attack on Latvian journalist

  • 02-04-2012 19:45:46   |   |  Press release
VIENNA, 2 April 2012 – Dunja Mijatovi?, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, today strongly condemned the attack on Leonids Jakobsons, a journalist and owner of the Latvian news website Kompromat and urged the authorities to carry out a swift and transparent investigation. “Attacks on journalists are endangering the very democratic fabric that is needed for open debate,” Mijatovi? said. Jakobsons was brutally attacked on 29 March by knife-wielding assailants as he entered his apartment building. He suffered multiple bruises to his head and a cut on his cheek. Kompromat is known for its investigative reporting on sensitive topics. Jakobsons believes the attack is connected to his professional work. “I am relieved that the authorities have launched an investigation,” Mijatovi? said. “I hope that the perpetrators will be soon brought to justice. Journalists must feel protected when they report on issues of public interest.”
  -   Press release