The World and Armenia Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

The World and Armenia Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

  • 11-09-2012 14:56:48   | Armenia  |  Articles and Analyses

“Armenian nation plays a substantial role and makes an important link in the study of origin and development of mankind, especially of European nations.” Academician N. Marr On the map of the world designed by Sargon Accadatsy (the 24th century B.C.) Armenia is shown as a separate country. On the main Coliseum arch (the 1st century B.C.) the word ARMENIA is inscribed. National wealth seized by force comes back at people’s will with the help of arms and by force of law. M. T. Cicero Every nation’s history is nothing but a page from the world’s annals. Armenian nation and Armenian state organization is an essential component of the world civilization. Due to such qualities as originality, industriousness, creativity, talent and natural beauty the Armenian nation became an active and important factor in the world development. A number of Armenian statesmen, political figures, men of science, cultural and art workers, businessmen, sportsmen brought fame and honour to their own country as well as to other countries and glorified themselves and their creative and freedom-loving nation. In the 14th century when Armenia lost its state organization, the Armenians got dispersed all over the world... Nowadays Armenian Diasporas exist in more than a hundred countries of the world. According to the existing national stereotype, Armenians preserved their culture, religion, language, traditions and lifestyle. The Armenian nation suffered a lot of privations and overcame numerous hardships. Nevertheless, the Armenian people has preserved its hope for the better life and sovereign state organization. Every misfortune of the Armenian people was for them the beginning of success, every failure was a lesson and inspired them for the coming victory. A fifth’s century historian Yeghishe remarked that Armenian Christianity determined Armenian nation’s “skin colour”. Armenian Christianity has always been and still is the main support for the Armenian nation and state organization. Centuries of foreign yoke developed in the minds of Armenian people a kind of hostility and detestation towards authorities and masters of all kinds and a self-defense instinct. This psychological negative inheritance still preserves its inertia force. At the same time the Armenian people is guided by kindness and the will to establish good neighbour relations with adjacent countries. In the course of centuries the Armenian people has developed the following model of behaviour: the opposite river banks serve as two supporting poles for the bridge between the countries; the distance between the opposite poles is a green trade zone. Every Armenian, whatever his social or ideological level be, in the depth of his soul cherishes the feeling of anguish for his own country and a wish to be of some use to his Motherland. Every Armenian feels a constant need of being supported by the state in his own social life. Every Armenian dreams of finding a way to return to his ancestors’ Motherland. Armenian national ideology coupled with the necessity to have a strong Armenian state puts forward a new challenge to create a nation-wide policy. To achieve this goal it is vital that national ideology should comply with interests and stereotypes formed in the young Armenian state during a little more than a century and the interests developed in the world Armenian Diaspora throughout many centuries. Armenian national state strategy will be strong only in case all ideological, psychological, social, economic, and juridical peculiarities of Armenia and Armenian world Diaspora are thoroughly investigated. In our opinion, all the above-mentioned factors can be developed by using the following formula: what is useful for every Armenian who lives in Armenia and in Nagorny Kharabagh is equally useful for the Armenian nation and state organization. The implementation of such an ideology into the people’s life is connected with the development of an adequate system of laws and the mechanism of their functioning. Armenia with its geographical position and natural resources has always been an epicenter of national interests for all major and minor states. The Armenian country with its parity in the world treasury is like a gold-and-diamond eagle that can be placed as a crown on the English lion, of the American bison or the Russian bear. In establishing international relationships Armenia should give priority to relations with the countries which adhere to historically tested balanced and naturally advantageous principles independent of their religious or/and political divergences. The Armenian international ideology implies that in establishing her international relations Armenia always adheres to the idea that all wars and military conflicts end in signing peace treaties, that mankind lived more in peace than at war. Peace for the Armenian people is not an alternative but the only way to secure free life and establish relations with the world nations. The conclusion is obvious: in developing national ideology we should be governed by real and exact evaluation of the historical events because history does not only teach us, but also punishes people who make an improper evaluation of history and inadequate conclusions out of the past events. Without an objective scientific analysis and further evaluation of a nation’s history there can be no proper national and state strategy and policy. National strategy can be compared to a pyramid. A pyramid is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World that has been preserved in its original state owing to its exactly calculated size and solid foundation. National strategy like a pyramid should have a stable and exactly designed foundation, it should face the four sides of the world and should have a peak from which the inside and the outside picture of the world could be observed. A state is a kind of universal scales that can measure and evaluate all social forces, goals and resources used to ensure country’s social, national and state security. Unfortunately, it is a well-known truth that man values the advantages of his wealth only after loosing it. This truth was placed at the basis of law science as early as ancient times: the price of the commodity is determined in the market only after it is alienated from its owner. The classical definition of the law of cost was proposed by English economists Adam Smith and David Ricardo as early as the 18th century. The property lost by the Armenian people in the course of history is sufficient to exactly determine the cost of national wealth including people, land, natural and financial resources and realty. Today’s generation inherited the losses suffered by the Armenian people in the course of history. The goal of this generation should be to achieve the acknowledgement of the Armenian genocide in Turkey by all the states of the world. To reach this goal a policy of reasonable demand should be developed: a sense of fault and regret should be rooted in the minds of the progressive mankind and the people of Turkey. This feeling will make the basis for the fact of returning the historical Armenian lands together with the Biblical Mount Ararat as a compensation for all the losses suffered. The solving of the genocide problem lies beyond the efforts and possibilities of Armenian sovereign Republic. Two thirds of Armenians reside outside the Republic of Armenia and Nagorny Kharabagh. According to international experts’ opinion, the wealth of Armenian Diasporas is several times as much as national wealth of the Armenian state. As a rule, man when in trouble or facing a crisis is apt to rely on his own possibilities and his own resources. According to national development strategy, Republic of Armenia “is doomed” to the cooperation with the Armenians who live in different corners of the world. From this viewpoint the exact evaluation of Armenian Diaspora’s possibilities is extremely important for it will contribute to the proper development of Armenian national strategy. The Armenian Diaspora’s first generation was concerned mainly with its own adaptation to new conditions and laws existing in the countries they settled in. Later, having adapted to the new social environment, the next generations of Armenians in the world Diaspora due to their genetic talent and creative power got actively integrated into the developed countries’ art, culture, science, economic and political advanced systems and state management. The Armenian people’s history proved common theoretical truth: different scattered elements possess a centripetal force, i.e. all elements are attracted to the centre. Social and national elements likewise possess the same quality and thus they are in need of a centralized management. United by common national ideology and powerful state organization, Armenians all over the world will turn into one whole made of the cluster of forces which will be able to solve strategic problems advanced by new strategic programs. Individual interest (profit) based on private ownership is the strongest motive power of social development. Capitalism development is based on exploitation of hired labour guaranteed by the state private ownership law and free market. In the 20th century capitalism development reached its peak due to fusion of industrial and financial capital. In the result of the fusion there developed transcontinental corporation with its branches and daughter companies in all the countries of the world. Monopolies suppress small and middle business and entrepreneurship by fixing monopoly prices and applying damping policy. In such a situation Monopoly Empire hampers the development of both capitalist economy and state’s power. The monopolies based on capitalist development in fact become an obstacle for its own growth. To prevent this dangerous phenomenon the US government was the first in the world to adopt the antimonopoly law. The first blow was inflicted upon the US multi-millionaire, the owner of 90% of US oil and chemical production, Rockefeller whose monopoly was restructured into more than 30 branches and daughter companies in different countries of the world. The positive result of the US antimonopoly law was that the state started keeping control of Morgan’s and other companies’ financial movement due to which the lion’s share of their profit became part of the state budget. The striking effect of this action was the beginning of a new epoch in the US economic development. The integration process in US economy got an unprecedented scale. Small and middle business development gathered great speed and their product made 50% of national gross output (nowadays this index rose to 70%-80%). The US developed heavy engineering industry having used rich experience of international science and steam force, conveyor production lines and other contemporary science achievements. Overall introduction of modern technologies accompanied, on the one hand, by the process of urbanization and formation of a hired labour class, on the other hand, by an active growth of the farmers’ class in the village. All these processes affected the appearance of a new class of “moneycracy” the so-called empire of law (the first empire was the so-called ginecocracy, the second one – patrocracy, the third one – democracy). In the time of moneycracy, a new God appeared – Money whose motive power is greediness and whose place of birth in the 17th century was England, in the 19th – 20th centuries – the USA. These two countries gave birth to a huge empire of the insular countries in contrast to continental ones. The insular countries established the economic power in the world and accumulated financial resources got by robbery in their hands. The US fixed the maximum term of functioning cycle for heavy and state strategic industries. The functioning cycle was limited to 7-9 years, while the similar cycle in Europe was equal to 13 years, in Russia – to 16 years. In compliance with the US policy all modern scientific achievements and highly-qualified specialists were given high bonuses which allowed to accumulate in the USA a great number of qualified specialists and high techs. Huge capital investments into industrial production raised the cost of products very high. High technologies determined large output and consequently very high profit. In this way the US established its monopoly on industrial products in the world. Functioning cycle of products is sold by leasing to weak and developing countries which later become stable export markets for the US. In the beginning of the 20th century the slogan “The world without barriers” became the motto of international financial capital. Financial oligarchy, especially the leaders of insular states, chose Russian empire as a new centre of their “national interests”, the centre that was an endless source of raw materials and product markets. Russia whose territory makes one sixth of the world’s dry land and whose population is 150 mln. people possesses 35% of the world’s natural resources. According to the index of an average family structure, Russia occupies the first place in Europe (5-6 members per family). According to demographers’ forecast, Russia (Europe’s granary) by the end of the 20th century could have a population of 600 mln. – 1 bln. people. In 1899 the outstanding contemporary economist Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) published the book “Development of Capitalism in Russia”. The main conclusions of the work are: 1) according to the level of production concentration and capital centralization Russia occupies the first place in Europe; 2) Germany’s industry level can surpass that of Europe’s leading country – Great Britain; 3) cooperation of Russia and Europe has a 200-year history: 5 Russian empresses are Germans by origin. In the economic competition of Russia with Germany the Russian-German alliance could displace Great Britain from its leading position in Europe and later “devour” it. The traditions of scientific-technical and economic cooperation founded in the 19th – 20th centuries have been preserved and are actively developed nowadays. According to the volume of commodity circulation, Russia’s foreign trade with Germany is on the top position in the world. Such favourable relations between Russia and Germany only contribute to good neighbour relations between these countries and the countries of the world. English well-known economist Zelford McInder by the Queen-of-England’s special order researched the strategy of world economy development and published a treatise “Geographical Axis of History”. In this work the author’s attention is focused on Russia. According to this author Euro-Asia is an axis of the world. “The one who will possess Russia will become leader of the world”. The conclusions the two authors (Lenin and Zelford) came to were tokens of the infamous end of the two economic leaders of the world: Great Britain and the USA. Having in view the foretold end of their power in the world international oligarchs made up their mind to turn the wheel of history in the opposite direction. Great Britain and the USA had a many-century experience in keeping weak and developing countries in the state of dependence. However they could not apply this experience in Russia because they had an infamous precedent – the war of Russia with invincible Napoleon’s army. The world oligarchs were aware of the fact that Russia was a “hard nut” to crack because Russian people can give rebuff to any aggressor and are ready to fight for their Motherland to the last drop. Moreover, they were aware of severe Russian winter and the role of “general Moroz” – an important strategic resource for the victory over any aggressor. Thus, the world oligarchs faced a dilemma: either to destroy the Russian empire or to be absorbed by its imminent hegemony. they chose a third alternative – to spread an ideological virus throughout Russia. The virus was to be shaped in the form of the ideology of the world proletariat dictatorship. The fathers of the ideology were Karl Marx extradited from England and his friend and theoretical partner Friedrich Engels. These personalities thoroughly investigated class contradictions that existed within capitalist society and defined a thesis according to which the world proletariat, the grave-digger of capitalism, can throw down their chains by way of revolution. However, in the history of economic science we find another quite opposite view concerning the above-mentioned issue. As early as the 17th century the English economist Adam Smith had carried out a research of the capitalist society and the contradictions existing in it and theoretically grounded the way of regulating the contradictions by means of economic reforms. A. Smith’s theory of evolutionary development of capitalist society lies at the basis of modern classical Anglo-American economic theory – “economics”. Both Great Britain and the USA built their economies on the basis of A. Smith’s model of evolutionary development of capitalism and by regulating class contradictions through economic reforms, i.e. in the evolutionary way. As it was said above, Lenin’s conception of regulating class contradictions was radically different from the above-mentioned one. Lenin improved K. Marx’ theory adding the thesis about regulating class contradictions only by way of revolution in one country, namely in Russia. Thus the Marxist political revolutionary theory was finally pushed out of Great Britain and replaced to Russia where it became the main social theory and remained as such for good. As history has shown, the proletariat’s dictatorship existed in Russia as long as 74 years after which the Soviet Union got finally collapsed. The collapse was signed by the leaders of three countries: Yeltsin, Kutchma and Shushkevitch. This event marked the end of anti-market empire epoch and thus the USSR officially entered world market system in a peaceful way without a single shot. The view that Russian revolution was “imported” from Europe and was financed by international financially strong states is confirmed by the fact that it was in London where the 2nd Congress of RSDRP took place and the scanty group of the Bolsheviks got separated from the numerous group of the Mensheviks. The idea of the revolution importation is proved by the fact that the so-called colourful revolutions took place in the Ukraine and Georgia. As is shown by further historic events, Lenin succeeded to create a revolutionary situation in Russia and the “phantom of communism” described by K. Marx and Friedrich Engels in their “Manifest of the Communist Party” had finally settled in the Russian empire. This phantom gave birth to a bloody proletariat dictatorship in the Russian revolution of 1917. The proletariat dictatorship abolished the three main pillars of the Russian empire: religion, private ownership and monarchy system. Russian orthodox religion was replaced by scientific atheism, church property was expropriated, numerous church buildings were wrecked to the ground (e.g. Christ Saviour Cathedral in Moscow), the remaining church buildings being turned into warehouses. Private ownership as a system was done away with, landowners and proprietors were murdered or subject to repression. The monarch and hid family were cruelly killed, monarchy being replaced by the proletariat dictatorship. Proletariat dictatorship rooted in the social consciousness the idea of class hatred and hostility towards representatives of the opposite class (classes). Class hostility got finally transformed into class narrow-mindedness which in its turn changed into its own ideological opposition and caused, as further history showed, its own destruction in the 90-ies of the 20th century. The proletariat dictatorship created social-state ownership o means of production and land. Man was finally deprived of ownership right for ever. During the reign of proletariat dictatorship dozens of millions of people were starved to death, subject to repression and exiled to Siberia other far regions of Russia. Scientists and national intelligentsia elite were declared class enemies hostile to society and were deported to the USA and European countries. These men of art and science continued to create in the countries they were deported to and established fundamental and applied science and industry with minimal expenses on the part of the host countries. This contributed to getting huge privileges by the host countries; the latter obtained high profit without paying anything for it. Thus, for instance, Nobel Prize laureates, Russian academicians Leontyev and Kantarovitch who lived in the USA created a system of modeling and programming economy and management. The Russian aircraft constructor Tsicorsky founded in America the most powerful aircraft industry in the world. The list of such examples may be continued. A similar phenomenon with slight modifications was repeated after the collapse of the Soviet Union: more than a billion of scientific and technical inventions were exported from Russia. Plant and factory equipment in their original packing were exported from Russia at the price of scrape metal whereas the produce by this equipment was later imported into Russia and paid for in currency. This phenomenon is a disgraceful fact that reveals economic dependence of contemporary Russia on the foreign product market. After the collapse of the USSR a new stratum of owners – oligarchs – appeared in Russia, the so-called “new Russians”. The stratum got shaped into a kind of empire within its own state. The new Russians place their own interest above interests of their own state. The wealth accumulated by them is registered abroad in the foreign free zones for them to escape from paying taxes to their own government. In fact the wealth acquired in Russia practically takes the least part in the development and integration processes of Russian national economy. For example, 15% of the population of Russia work at the enterprises of the Russian oligarch O. Deribaska. Political and economic negative consequences of such a concentration of capital in the hands of one person are obvious. This phenomenon can be manifested by the following diagram: Mirror-reflected image: I – monopolies, oligarchs and TNC (transcontinental corporations) II – power and laws III – state and national policy The mirror-reflected image in the picture demonstrates that a chaotic, corrupted and uncontrolled by state development of economy brings to the fact that authorities are influenced by oligarchs and monopolies. Political danger of such a situation is that oligarch power turns into an unpredictable and uncontrolled empire. To strengthen economic position and to improve the image of Russia on the international arena contemporary authorities of Russia take measures to exercise a strict control over the oligarchs. The same processes actually take place in the Republic of Armenia. The main goal of society development is to create people’s welfare, to raise life standard of the people. To achieve this goal it is necessary for Armenia to live through the above-mentioned monopoly and antimonopoly periods, to establish small and middle business development conditions. The part of small and middle business production in the GIP should make 60%-70%. Such a structure of production is characteristic of the advanced countries of the world. This production level will secure the economic state when Armenia’s export can surpass its import. To gain a competitive advantage in the world market it is necessary to increase population’s employment in the Republic of Armenia and to develop on the basis of the country’s own resources the production of high tech products that are in great demand in the international market. Artashes David Mikayelyan, Moscow Professor D.(PH) economy 1989-1991 – Associate professor of Economy and Trade department in Armenian State University of Economics. 1989-1990 - Intern in Soviet-Italian school of international business “Mirbis” (Moscow - Rome). 1990-1993 – Head of concern “Shirak of Armenia”. Moved to Moscow with family in 1993. An article on “Ownership and national security of Armenia” was published in Moscow in 2002, “Russia – axis of history” in 2003, “Ownership, power, state governance” in 2004. Has around 100 scientific works on problems of marketing and management. Participated in business forums in the USA, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Armenia, United Arab Emirates, etc. Selected as assistant Deputy of Parliament of Russian Federation of IV and V convocations (2003-2011). Selected as an honored member of Science Academy “Ararat” (France) in March 2012. Currently lectures in Moscow Humanitarian-Technical Academy. E-mail: [email protected]
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