Hackathon[YAN] Flight 2013

Hackathon[YAN] Flight 2013

  • 04-12-2013 14:23:01   | Armenia  |  Science and Technology
Microsoft Innovation Center in Armenia, Public Journalism Club, Zvartnots Airport in cooperation with Microsoft RA and Counterpart International announce a call for applications to participate in Hackathon[YAN] Flight 2013 contest of programming and innovative ideas.
Within 24 hours, the teams consisting of programmers and non-programmers will develop the prototypes/demo versions of their programs, applications, mobile applications that will be assessed by the panel of experts.
When: December 21-22, 2013
Where: Zvartnots International Airport
If you can propose a burning issue in any sphere and suggest a technology-based solution to it, or you just have an innovative or interesting idea, this exciting competition will enable you not only to implement your idea, develop a mobile app that will be downloaded worldwide, but also challenge your problem-solving skills, bring the impossible ideas to life, get access to new funding and investment opportunities and have unforgettable experience with like-minded peers.  
This year Hackathon[YAN] is entitled Flight as it will become a starting point for the first journey of many ideas and projects full of bright moments and opportunities. 
Participate in the contest with your friends and peers, present an awesome project – a software, technological solution in any area, mobile application, a game, an innovation – and become the winner of the largest technological contest in Armenia.
Please submit your  application to [email protected].
The deadline for applications is December 10, 2013. 
For more details: +374 10 545 343, +374 93 64 00 14
Partners: Coming soon…. 
Hackathon[YAN] 2013 is implemented by the support of Counterpart International Armenia (www.counterpart.am).
The project is supported by Knight-Mozilla OpenNews (http://mozillaopennews.org).
The history of Hackathon[YAN]
In 2011 Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia and Public Journalism Club organized the first Hackathon in Armenia. In 2012 the contest had more than 35 participant teams with projects addressing various issues. All the winner teams were rewarded with monetary prizes, funding opportunities and support. Here are some of the winner projects that successfully continue their activities in the market. 
www.4car.am; www.citybugs.am, MyNews Mobile, Fortune cup, Shelly, The Gardener
What is Hackathon?
Hachathon is a Silicon Valley-generated extensive contest aimed at solving existing problems through collaborative computer programming and new technologies.  
What do we expect?
The result of this Hackathon is most likely to be the creation of a number of prototypes for ready-made projects, mobile applications and solutions that can be demanded not only in Armenia but also in international market.
  -   Science and Technology