The MFA of Turkmenistan expressed its misunderstanding to the Tajik side in connection with the statement of the Ambassador of the Tajikistan to the Uzbekistan

The MFA of Turkmenistan expressed its misunderstanding to the Tajik side in connection with the statement of the Ambassador of the Tajikistan to the Uzbekistan

  • 24-09-2018 10:22:46   | Turkmenistan  |  Press release

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan expressed its misunderstanding to the Tajik side in connection with the statement of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Imomi Sodik Ashurboyzoda, that Dushanbe intends to "defer to better times" the idea of ​​building a railroad Turkmenistan- Afghanistan-Tajikistan.
Comments of the Turkmen side on the above-mentioned statement of the Tajik diplomat are officially communicated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan
  -   Press release