RPA plans to create new jobs and ARFD to provide disabled<br /> with jobs by their preelection programs<br />

RPA plans to create new jobs and ARFD to provide disabled
with jobs by their preelection programs

  • 25-05-2009 17:55:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, MAY 25, NOYAN TAPAN. The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) preelection program's part Yerevan a City of Work mentions that if the party wins the elections it will keep the problem of population's employment in the focus of its attention. "City development programs will contribute to creation of new jobs for Yerevan residents, ensuring civilized working conditions," the RPA program mentioned. In order to make Yerevan a city of work RPA plans to work out and implement programs with government's assistance that will be aimed at creation of new jobs, ensuring work of enterprises under communal jurisdiction in the whole capacity. Besides, the party plans to create favorable conditions for development of small and medium-sized business and for making Yerevan a more attractive city for investments. ARFD electoral program's provisions also mention the necessity of implementing active employment programs. "Programs of making disabled people full members of community will be paid special attention," the ARFD program mentioned. ARFD promises through privileges and financial assistance to encourage employers that will provide disabled people with a job.
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