In Suren Sureniants' conviction, amnesty will be granted<br /> without fail<br />

In Suren Sureniants' conviction, amnesty will be granted
without fail

  • 08-06-2009 15:55:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, JUNE 8, NOYAN TAPAN. According to Suren Sureniants, a member of the Hanrapetutiun (Republic) party Political Board, the most important event of the past days in Armenia is the stir over a possible amnesty. As he mentioned at the June 5 press conference, opposition supporters' release from prisons is important for society and for him personally, as these people are innocent. According to S. Sureniants, it would be ideal if the authorities were strong enough and quashed the criminal cases on charges brought to the political prisoners on the basis of insufficiency of evidence. In his words, applications by the RA Ombudsman, NA Ad-hoc Committee on Events Occurred on 1-2 March and by Public Council to the RA President are evidence that an amnesty will be granted without fail. "We hope that this time Serzh Sargsyan's word and action will be adequate," S. Sureniants said. Speaking about the decision of Armenian National Congress of renouncing its 13 mandates gained in Yerevan Council of Elders elections, the opposition figure stated that this step will hardly have any impact on the home political situation in the country. And the amnesty, in S. Sureniants' conviction, if even does not lead the authorities and opposition to a dialogue, in any case will create a possibility of some contacts between them.
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