IMF will Support to Overcome the Problems Armenia Face<br /> Today<br />

IMF will Support to Overcome the Problems Armenia Face

  • 14-04-2009 20:12:00   | Armenia  |  Economy
Yerevan, April 14, Noyan Tapan. The president of Armenia Serzh Sargsian welcomed on April 11 the newly appointed regional head of Middle East and Central Asia of the International Monetary Fund Masud Ahmed . The president highly appreciated country?s cooperation with IMF and the financial and consulting assistance provided to Armenia. According to the release provided to Noyan Tapan by President's press-service,? during the meeting the issues of weakening the impact of the world financial and economic crisis were discussed. S.Sargsian stressed, that using efficiently available capabilities and financial potential Armenian authorities will make every effort to support to the most hurt spheres of economy? and to? address assistance to the most vulnerable social groups. ?M.Ahmed told about questions and agreements achieved during the G20 summit recently in London.? He assured, that IMF takes into consideration real needs and today seeks to implement more flexible policy of providing financial assistance to countries.? Emphasizing the significance of cooperation with Armenia, M.Ahmed ?expressed willingness to support Armenia in overcoming the current problems the country faces today.
  -   Economy