There is a political retribution against opposition representative and her family member by initiating a criminal case<br />

There is a political retribution against opposition representative and her family member by initiating a criminal case

  • 24-05-2011 18:52:14   | Armenia  |  Politics
STATEMENT May 24, 2011 Herewith we, the undersigned following the processes of the criminal charges filed February 23, 2011 against Tigran Postanjayan, currently arrested, brother of Zaruhi Postanjyan, Member of “Heritage” Party of the RA National Assembly note the following: there is a political retribution against opposition representative and her family member by initiating a criminal case. The criminal charges against Tigran Postanjyan have been initiated by harsh violations of RA legislation and international norms and standards. Based only one person’s letter the RA Prosecutor General’s office on February 18, 2011 within a matter of hours have instituted proceedings against Tigran Postanjyan and files a criminal case. Following the instructions of Aghvan Hovsepyan, RA Prosecutor General, the investigation has been given to the RA National Security Services, which by default and according to RA criminal-judicial legislation is not the relevant authority in this case to investigate the matter. During the same day, ignoring the presumption of innocence the RA Prosecutor General’s office have released and disseminated information regarding the criminal case through media channels. Tigran Postanjyan was informed about criminal charges against him from the internet media on February 18, 2011. In the same day, an unknown citizen have called to Tigran Postanjyan and informed that the Government along with the Prosecutor’s office are trying to initiate a prosecution and artificially generate a crime on his behalf which is related to his sister’s political activities. Five days later T. Postanjyan was detained and he was kept in RA National Security Services temporary detention room and another four day in “Yerevan-Kentron” criminal correction center located in the same building. Later he was transferred to “Nubarashen” correction center. Tigran Postanjyan was detained without any solid grounds. The fact that Tigran Postanjyan voluntarily showed himself up after learning about the criminal charges for the investigation and that he has two minor dependants. The petition to free him for a pledge as well as the recommendations from the members of the RA National Assembly was ignored. Two months after T. Postanjyan’s arrest the court has made a decision to leave the detention unchanged, without mentioning any timeframe. While arrested his rights to communicate or meet with his family members, relatives and RA National Assembly members have been unlawfully violated. There has been numerous psychological pressure, inhuman and humiliating treatment against him since he was detained. In order to voice his concern regarding the above-mentioned actions since May 11, 2011 he is on hunger strike which lasts until now. By holding Tigran Postanjyan detained the Republic of Armenia brutally violates Article 5 of the European Commission Human Rights Convention. According to some verdicts released by the European Count of Human Rights, if the state internal courts do not mention a timeframe for detention puts the person in an indefinite condition thus it becomes a violation of principle of legality as describe in Article 5.1 of the Convention (see the verdict on Belevitski against the RF case). Holding T. Postanjyan in inhuman and humiliating conditions violates Article 3 of European Convention of Human Rights (see the verdict of Kalashnikov against the RF case). Thus we call upon action for the international organizations to intervene and call RA authorities to stop unlawful actions against T. Postanjyan and chasing the people in opposition or their relatives. 1. Journalists' Club Asparez 2. Transparency International 3. Nrational Civil Initiatives 4. Advocates for Human Rights 5. Against Violation of Law 6. Vanadzor Office of Helsinki Assembley 7. Helisnki Committee of Armenia 8. Youth for Democracy 9. Zartonk 89 NGO 10. Huys NGO 11. Oukht Ararati
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