Bako Sahakyan visited the village of Toumi

Bako Sahakyan visited the village of Toumi

  • 04-10-2010 16:56:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
On 2 October President of the Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan visited the village of Toumi in the Hadrout region and partook at a solemn ceremony of opening a renovated memorial complex of the Great Patriotic and Artsakh Liberation wars’ martyrs. The President underlined that perpetuating memories of warriors perished for the Motherland is important for upbringing the younger generations. According to the President the fact that the complex was renovated by joint efforts of people, state and public sectors shows unanimity of all strata of the society over this crucial issue. Bako Sahakyan also handed in state awards to a group of veterans for active participation in defending the Fatharland. Premier Ara Haroutyunyan and other officials accompanied the President. CENTRAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF THE OFFICE OF THE ARTSAKH REPUBLIC PRESIDENT
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