SCR Summed up the First Quarter of 2013

SCR Summed up the First Quarter of 2013

  • 08-04-2013 16:20:31   | Armenia  |  Economy

On Monday at a conference call the CEO of South Caucasus Railway summarized the outcome of the railroad in the first quarter of 2013. According to the data by the CEO in the first quarter of this year the Company managed to maintain a positive trend in SCR. For example, the amount of load increased by 11% compared to the same period last year, while the volume of traffic by 5.9%.

  Among the positive moves Victor Rebets noted reducing of downtime of transit wagons (from 9 haurs to 3.3), reduction of downtime under one cargo operations, the increase of anaverage daily production of a locomotive and a car. As the head of SCR noted in the first quarter the Company managed to optimize the freight car fleet, and a similar amount of operation was already performed by the railroad with fewer cars.
  The speed increased at the rail as well. In March 2013 compared with the same period last year the speed increased by 3.1 km/hour, and only in the first quarter by 3.2 km/hour. This is more than a sufficient indicator taking into account that growth has exceeded by 10%, - said Victor Rebets.
  However, according to him, measures should be taken with passenger traffic where by the end of the reporting period a decline was registered. As stressed by the head of the Company every effort must be made to maintain the position in the transport market and strengthen competitive advantages of the railway.
  Especially Victor Rebets discussed the issues of upgrading the infrastructure, improving traffic safety and healthcare, giving appropriate instructions to the responsible persons.


  -   Economy