Entry of Diaspora Armenians to Armenia to be facilitated<br />

Entry of Diaspora Armenians to Armenia to be facilitated

  • 03-02-2010 17:20:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 3, NOYAN TAPAN - ARMENIANS TODAY. The RA National Assembly on February 2 passed unanimously in the first reading a government-submitted bill envisaging an addition to the RA Law on the State Register of the Population. By the bill, it will be stipulated in the law that persons, who were granted Armenian citizenship and who have no place of permanent residence in Armenia and live mostly in foreign states, shall be put on the state register of the population at the address of their place of permanent residence in the foreign state. When presenting the bill, the main speaker, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobian said that in case of adoption of this bill, our compatriots will not have to "find someone in Armenia, to get registered at their house and go through all the red tape." The National Assembly also passed the bill on making amendments and additions to the Law on Foreigners in the second reading and completely. According to Ms. Hakobian, it will facilitate the process of receiving an entry visa to Armenia by Diaspora Armenians, while Diaspora Armenian students will be able to solve the problem of their stay permit without interrupting their education. In particular, it is envisaged that the Armenian government may establish a shorter period for the submission of applications for extending a temporary stay permit for educational purposes. Under the current law, this permit is given for a period of up to one year, each time with the opportunity to extent it for one year, and the application for extension shall be submitted at least 30 days before the expiry of the permit. Besides, it is envisaged that a foreigner, who was subjected to administrative responsibility for violation of the law and who has not carried out his obligation under the administrative act, may receive an entry visa or a stay permit if one year has passed since the imposition of administrative responsibility. The parliament also passed another bill on making amendments and additions to the RA Law on Foreigners. The bill aims to improve the business environment in Armenia by providing economic entities with the opportinity to employ a foreigner for the necessary period.
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